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Waiter Mode

Easiest way to manage your orders on the move🚀

Munzer avatar
Written by Munzer
Updated over a week ago

With the remastered Waiter Mode feature, you can manage your orders or even take orders with your Tablet 🔥

What is the Waiter Mode

Waiter mode is a compact tool for you and the venue staff to both manage orders and take new orders while on the move without the need for a computer to check from the Dashboard

How to open the "Waiter Mode"

  • Click thrice on the FineDine logo at the main screen of your Tablet

  • Put your Staff Pincode if there is any

  • Then choose the Waiter Mode 🚀

Waiter Mode, has 3 different tabs that you may use:


On the Tables, you may, filter the Occupied and Empty tables that have been created on your Dashboard and

  • create new orders on the empty tables

  • update the tickets on the occupied tables


On the Orders, you can manage all your active and upcoming orders just like on the Dashboard!


On the Menus, you can display all your menus and add new items on the tickets with a few clicks 🔥

Click on any item to add, swipe left to delete 🚀

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